
My cat sheds – horribly. I have to vacuum daily. Is there a product, food – that will limit the hair loss?

The shedding of a cat’s coat is a natural process that allows a new coat to grow. The amount and frequency of coat that is shed often depends upon their health and diet. Assuming that your cat has no medical conditions a very important supplement a dog or cat owner can give to improve health, shine of coat or reduce shedding is by adding an Omega 3 supplement (EPA/DHA).

Omega 3’s, also known as essential fatty acids, are not manufactured by the body and must be obtained through food or supplementation. Omega 3 plays an important role in many metabolic functions and contain natural anti-inflammatories. Low levels of Omega 3’s in the diet can result in dry brittle coat, shedding, dry itchy skin and splitting nails. Oily fish such as Herring, Anchovies, Salmon and Sardines have good concentrations of EPA/DHA and often work the best with quick results. Processed pet foods, even high-quality ones often lack the ideal amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids because of the sensitivity to light, heat and quick oxidation of the oils.

By obtaining a good oil supplement and storing it in the refrigerator, you can easily change the shedding of your cat, and reduce the number of hairballs they may be experiencing. During the winter months, I recommend an increase in the amount of Omega 3 given to every cat or dog. The lack of moisture in the air combined with household heating units running around the clock tend to dry our skin as well as theirs.

Holiday Season Reminder: As the Holiday Season approaches remember to stock up on your dog’s probiotic to avoid any digestive upsets as they enjoy the many treats and eats they will receive. A nice addition to the probiotic is Pumpkin. Weruva has a “single serving” size in a 1.5 oz or 3.5 oz pouch. It’s a perfect way to give just enough with a meal without leftovers to refrigerate.