Feline Caviar


Feline Caviar  is a holistic and alkaline based pet food diet that is specifically designed to help reduce the risk of cancer and other health related conditions. It is not the cure but they provide the ingredients for a holistic and healthy life style pet plan. Feline Caviar Pet Foods are based from formulas developed by Jeff Baker, Research Scientist and the Canine Caviar Research team. The foundation for the formula back in 1996 was created out of necessity as Jeff was desperate to relieve his own Great Dane Mogul of his struggles of severe allergic reactions. His background in Pharmacology and Nutrition was a perfect blend to develop the best pet food through research.

Their easily digested formulas can quickly settle digestive upsets, reduce itching, scratching, shedding and hotspots. Their new proprietary blend offers a fermentation culture that provides a potent Pro biotic result once it is in the belly. This product was proven to be more effective than others in the marketplace through an independent study. It just makes sense when your pet has better digestion it is better equipped to absorb and use the nutrition offered.

We carry all varieties.